Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cow Abuse in Factory Farms

    This post I am going to do a special on the abuse of cows in factory farms. For a cows whole life in a factory farm it is either viewed as a milk machine, a money making machine or, both. A dairy cow( a cow that produces milk) is pumped full of drugs so that it will make more milk faster. When a dairy cow becomes too old or just stops produces milk it is taken to a slaughter house to be made into meat.
     When a cow has a baby the baby is taken away from it's mother within in a day or two and then they never see each other again. Some babies are born to be made into veal. If that is the case then the baby cows are put into dark cages barely bigger then their bodies. Then, so that their meat is very tender, they aren't fed enough nutrients and become very weak. Then, when they are only about 14 weeks old, they are shoved into a cold truck with over 40 other cows. If the cows don't want to get off the truck because they are scared or just to weak to do so, workers poke them with electric prods that are very painful.
This is a picture of many cows in a confined feeding area.
     Cows also have their tails and horns cut off. They are also branded which causes third degree burns. All o this is done without painkillers.

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